Dealing with Discrimination

Any discrimination, whether sexual, racial or based on age, is unacceptable and you should not have to tolerate it in the workplace. If you feel that you are being discriminated against on any grounds then you need to tell somebody about it.
People who use discrimination are ignorant and should be confronted about their behaviour. There is a lot of support out there for you and you can take legal measures against your employer if you think that your career or well being has suffered.
Sexual Discrimination
Although men and women are supposed to be equal, unfortunately there is still sexual discrimination in the workplace. Whether you are experiencing this directly through less pay or missing out on promotions, or indirectly because roles are made easier for men, you don’t have to put up with it.You may experience sexual discrimination through sexist jokes or inappropriate behaviour, or if you are gay and are discriminated against because of this, you are also experiencing sexual discrimination.
Race Discrimination
Nobody has the right to discriminate against your on the grounds of your race or religious beliefs. You must be allowed to take religious days off and wear any clothing that is important to your beliefs. Whether you are receiving specific discrimination over the colour of your skin or your religion, or are being avoided or bullied, it is your right to stand up for yourself through the proper channels.Age Discrimination
Often, as an apprentice, you may be straight out of school or one of the youngest people in your workplace. Some people may feel that this gives them the right to bully you or hold you back because of your age.Everybody should be judged on the work they do, their skills and commitment, not how old they are. As long as you are your doing your best you should not be held back because you are young. Talk to your manager about the situation and prove that they are wrong.
What To Do About Discrimination
If you feel that you are bring discriminated against on any grounds, then don’t suffer in silence. Keep a record of what has been going on and then approach your manager with concrete examples. If they are the problem, then go higher or talk to a union rep or somebody else that your trust. If you end up losing your job because of the discrimination then you can take your employer to an industrial tribunal over the matter.There are many ways that you may experience discrimination. It can be directly where pay or promotions are withheld because of your race, sex or age. Or it may be indirectly when a role is made more difficult to you because of one of these factors. If people make jokes at your expense, snide comments or treat you differently then this is also discrimination and should not be tolerated.
If you are being discriminated against then you need to tell someone. Keep a record of what has been happening and make a formal complaint and follow official routes to resolve the problem.
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